Friday 9 December 2016

Shit just got real!

I have a blue clot in my brain
It bloats and shrinks and bloats again.
My lover left it in me-
It's made of collagen, words and screaming helplessness. 

It is as big as the size of his palm.
He clawed my brain once
Or may be more than once. What does it matter now?
The clot, that day, was born.

The blue clot has a name.
I named it Red.
Loaded, pregnant with blood and dreams
Pinch it once, it will leak.

Red leaked once before.
Red has this thing for leaking,
My lover said,
"You are a mutant, shushhh, please!"

My blue clot, Red.
Red is my blue clot.
Clot. Blue. Clot. Mutant. Clot Red. 
Red, clot, blue, mutant, loaded. 

Don't leak just yet?  
It is December 10, 2016 today!

Sunday 6 October 2013

What happens when love and hate come together?

I always thought that there is a strong relationship between love and hatred. An intense relationship. Shockingly real. Telling. The amount you are capable of loving him/her, is the amount with which you can  hate him/her as well. At times.

Wrote this on an angry night. When the storm within failed to match the storm without.

There was
a flower
on your eyebrow.
I plucked it,
placed it on the
with your smile.
Your turn honey- burn, burn.

You numbskull,
cruel machine.
You don’t know
how I fumed
from that chimney.
For you, man.
You said you will return
But never did.

Sick, soulless,
psycho con.
You are wasted
Just like
your scum.
Take the noose and hang.

The smell
of your fuck-
is white, rapacious.
Your beautiful eyes?
Hold on or I will dig
them blind.
That flower bloomed
In Autumn.

plucked it
“It bloomed before
its time.”
The smoke burns your eye?
Baby, it is my soul
burning tonight.


Monday 22 July 2013

A girl like me

She asked, "What happens to sisters like us?"

She replied- "We grow old.
We get wrinkles.
We hear the hollowness of all tall dreams once dreamt.
We regret.
We sigh.
We die.

Sisters like us are good when let loose in the world. 
When taken, we become slave in our own eyes."

Monday 20 May 2013

The words and the city

This city, you see lovely, was the city of my love.

 I was a child when I came here. Well, almost a child, to be precise. I wanted to fly. It was like an escape. From what? Do not ask me. I don’t remember. But does that matter, love? What matters today is, I ran away from one place to the other, because? I knew I was not meant to be where I was. Simple! You call it intuition, I call it, misunderstanding. But whatever it was, this city, my lovely, was the city of my love. Went on loving it, nevertheless.

A lot happened in five years. Much more than was thought. But one thing happened for good. I learnt how to write and give shape to my crude thoughts. My words, my words, my words; all left, my words remained. A chaos inside my head. Pregnant. Growing old, older, and oldest with each passing day. Sometimes they would shrivel up, sometimes they would swell. They would make noises, scream within, formulate without, hammer inside the thin layers of my head. My words wouldn’t let me sleep. This city became synonymous to words for me.

To begin with, there wouldn’t be a day when I wouldn’t climb the public bus from college. Drab, monotonous and the pelting heat of May. Those cruel summers, friendless, empty streets, sticky mouth and sometimes, saliva less. Then there would be a break up here, a patch up there. A boy friend who would leave and a broken heart which would need care. Words again. They would swallow me down with grief. I would fight with them. Writing thousand love letters, hate mails, all in my head.

Then, friends happened! A lot many. Morning coffees, sleepless nights, pajama parties, discotheques, late night wandering, complaints, drinks, high heels, boys, etc.

This city my lovely, gave me what I wanted and grudgingly, took a lot away.

My closest friend, died- metaphorically.
My best friend, left- significantly.
Those girls were called off, geographically.
That friend, oh he was a dear but he lied- irresponsibly!

Another came, we parted. Our ways were not the same, you see.

People faded but my words remained. I went on placing words on each chapter, the beginnings and the closures. Words laden. Heavy. But those words spoke nothing, they only resonated.

Then once more, love arrived in the city of love. He wouldn’t understand me. I wouldn’t understand him. We spoke different language. Crisis of words had hit me back again. Lovely, my love was deaf. He has been my deepest sorrow, my heaviest regret. He has been the lead filled arrow, my hatred, my extremes. I would howl at him, bark at him, and hurl the filthiest words, softly. I loved him way too much. Crazed with his love, I would pile words on words and still remain unheard.

All left but words remained and remained this new found love. We would make peace; walk hand in hand, without knowing the deepest turmoil within each other. Complacent.

After an incessant, tireless journey of three years, old faces were replaced by the new ones. New names. New stories. New tales. Geography, my lovely, is the big problem. And getting to acknowledge it, is the bigger one. Defying it is the biggest.

Three years passed and I had again started feeling strongly for the roads.  I would take the window seat of the car or the bus and gaze outside, not knowing how I was preparing to run away once again. I used to make all mental notes. I should have left that day. I should have left when all of them had left. But lovely, I stayed. Not knowing why, not knowing for whom. I just stayed.

This city is a choot of a place and my love for filth has always been in me. I would cover the filth with words.

Today, two more years passed and it is five years ever since I left that place called home. Where is home, lovely? Where is home? Few lucky ones get to return, most of us don’t. We do not have homes. I have courageous words to fuel me up but my words have no courage to make me a home. Home is what I fear, home fractures me, disappoints me. Words don’t. Should I build a home with them?

This time, another set of people left, love-ridden, saying “goodbyes” with tears in eyes, hugging, writing “on my way home, but let us meet again.” This city is finishing with each day. Falling to pieces, getting dislocated.

In this city, people come, stay and leave. This city bears the filth of each. Whore of a city, lovely, this is a whore hole. You pay, you stay, you court, you mate, you shit, you add to the garbage, you leave. Guiltless, mostly. This is a city of meticulously calculated, crafted, full-proof fuck. City, I will cheat on you too, some day. May be soon, may be late. I feel the threat of time, I feel my heart wavering, giving way. 

Where is home and where should I head? What awaits next? Tell me, till how long am I suppose to stay? Make the words speak and show me the way.

Empty now, full tomorrow, this city will be empty again. It shouts- stay, go, stay. 

Tuesday 23 April 2013

That dent... remained.

On a helpless night, this is what comes to mind. Till date.

If they ever ask again what love is, I will send them to you.

Sunday 14 April 2013

I did it for you

After all that we went through, this is all I feel and want you to know:

Minutes turn to hours

Hours turn to days
Knew what I had to do
Couldn't find the words to say
We had the perfect story, stories have an end
Had to turn the page cause
To keep you was a sin 


You know that I loved you with (everything that I had)

But what you needed I (couldn't be, held you back)
I cared enough about you
To give you the chance
To find someone who can

I broke your heart (I did it for you)

Tore us apart (I did it for you)
Just walked away (I did it for you)
Oh for you~~~
You wanted more than my everything (did it for you)
Someone you knew that I couldn't be (did it for you)
I know you don't ever understand me
But it's true, it's true
I did it for you.
                                                        - By Charice (I did it For you)